Geometry 宏包是我们最为常用的宏包,主要用于页面设置。相对于自己去定义\voffset, \topmargin,\headsep,\textheight,\textwidth,\hoffset等命令更为直观,对于日常设置页面是非常不错的宏包。 Hideo Umeki 发布了Geometry 宏包的5.3版。只是修复小的bug。对于今年二月发布5.0版,修改内容较多。近期修改信息如下:

  • 2010-03-13 Release 5.3
  * Fixed missed initialization of \Gm@lines.
  • 2010-03-01 Release 5.2
  * Fixed a bug that the papersize setting explicitly specified
    with \geometry or \usepackage in the preample didn't come to
  * Added \mag offset adjustment for \newgeometry.
  * Added 'onecolumn' option as a shorthand for 'twocolumn=false'.
  * Changed the format of the verbose mode.
  • 2010-02-15 Release 5.1
  * Fixed a bug that caused an error in 'pass' option.
  • 2010-02-12 Release 5.0
  * Changing page layout mid-document.
    The new commands \newgeometry{...} and \restoregeometry allow
    users to change page dimensions in the middle of the document.
  * A new set of options to specify the layout area.
    The options specified for the area, in which the page dimensions
    are calculated, are added: 'layout', 'layoutsize',
    'layoutwidth', 'layoutheight' and so forth.
    These options would help to print the specified
    layout to a different sized paper.  For example, with 'a4paper'
    and 'layout=a5paper', the geometry package uses 'A5' layout to
    calculate margins with the paper size still 'A4'.
  * A new driver option 'xetex'.
    The new driver option 'xetex' is added. The driver auto-detection
    routine has been revised so as to avoid an error with undefined
    control sequences. Note that 'geometry.cfg' in TeXLive, which
    disables the auto-detection routine and sets 'pdftex', is no
    longer necessary and has no problem even though it still exists.
    To set 'xetex' is strongly recommended with XeLaTeX.
  * New paper size presets for JIS B-series.
    The papersize presets 'b0j' to 'b6j' for JIS (Japanese Industrial
    Standards) B-series are added.
  * Changing default for underspecified margin.
    In the previous version, if only one margin was specified,
    'bottom=1cm' for example, then geometry set the other margin with
   the margin ratio (1:1 by default for the vertical dimensions)
    and got 'top'=1cm in this case.
    The version 5 sets the text-body size with the default 'scale'
    (=0.7) and determine the unspecified margin.
  * The option 'showframe' works on every page.
    With 'showframe' option, the page frames are shown on every page.
    In addition, the new option 'showcrop' would print cropmarks showing
    the corners of the layout (the same as paper by default) on every page.
  * Loading geometry.cfg precedes processing class options.
    The previous version loaded 'geometry.cfg' after processing
    the document class options.  Now that the config file is
    loaded before processing the class options, you can change the
    behavior specified in 'geometry.cfg' by adding options into
    \documentclass as well as \usepackage and \geometry.
  * Deleted options: 'compat2' and 'twosideshift'.
    The version 5 has no longer compatibility with the previous ones.
    'compat2' and 'twosideshift' are gone for simplicity. 


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